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    学术海报:荷兰莱顿大学Dr. Onno van Gaans主讲Lattice structure in partially ordered vector spaces

    2013-10-21 陈金喜 点击:[]


    题  目:Lattice structure in partially ordered vector spaces

    报告人:   Dr. Onno van Gaans(荷兰莱顿大学数学研究所)

    时  间:  2013年10月22日下午3:00

    地  点:  九里校区电气馆3215 

    摘    要: In partially ordered vector spaces that are not vector lattices, there maystill be some lattice structure present. For instance, the space ofdifferentiable functions on [0,1] is not a vector lattice, but there is still a natural notion of disjointness of two differentiable functions.How to capture such structure in a systematic theory? We will explain how notions from the theory of vector lattices can be generalized to partially ordered vector spaces and how their properties can be studied. Our main tool is a suitable embedding in larger vector lattices, which are called Riesz completions. We will illustrate the method by considering disjointness and disjoint complements.





    上一条:学术讲座:北京大学艾明要教授主讲Design and analysis of experiments
    下一条:荷兰莱顿大学数学研究所Dr.Marcel de Jew学术报告会
