报告题目:Maximum scattered linear sets and their equivalence problem
摘要:The concept of linear sets in projective spaces was introduced by Lunardon in 1999 and it plays central roles in the study of blocking sets, semifields, rank-metric codes and etc. A linear set with the largest possible cardinality is called scattered. Despite of two decades of study, there are only three known families of maximum scattered linear sets defined over PG(1,q^n) for infinitely many n. The first family is called pseudo-regulus type by Blokhuis and Lavrauw in 1999. The second family was found by Lunardon and Polverino in 2001 and later generalized by Sheekey in 2016. The third family was constructed by Longobardi, Marino, Trombetti and the speaker recently.
In this talk, we consider the equivalence problem of maximum scattered linear sets and we show some restrictions on their automorphism groups.
报告人简介:周悦,国防科技大学数学系,研究员。主要研究有限几何、代数组合及其在编码密码中的应用,在Adv. Math., J. Cryptology, JCTA, IEEE TIT等期刊发表论文50余篇。2016年获得国际组合及其应用学会Kirkman奖章,德国“洪堡”Fellow。2019年起担任国际期刊Designs, Codes and Cryptography编委。2021年获评国家级青年人才。